new updates!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
11:27 PM
hello ladies and gentlemen! The saver of the dead '' has revive and return back to him once again.. Here I am!! the legendary shane! ^_^

Lame? yeah.. i know.. Just got to come out with something crappy or else how would it be able to enter my blog entries? Wonder if anyone still even bothers to click and see into this blog.. ^_^ after it disappoints them again and again.. well, its late than never isn't it? =)

Latest news: I am working as visual merchaniser at Wing Tai for brand G2000!! Its a relaxing job which enable me to slack really alot.. its good but bad in a sense which also means that i don learn much things tat defeat my purpose of quitting my admin job for a new environment in the first place.. Y_Y

But well, as positive thinking as i always did.. i nv fail to make my day down.. i spend the slacking time wisely by reading novel!! and yes!! its NOVEL for goodness sake.. peoples who knew me, knew that i can take one month to finish a 150 pages novel? =_='' pathetic u must be thinking.. But its a completely reverse now!! my record is reading finish a close to 400 pages novel in 3days!! even i am impressed by my determination!! wait till u know wat i have been reading all these days.. ^_^
'harry potter'
haha, know i started reading it after like everyone else has alrdy finish reading it.. i am at book 5 now!! its really a good book, kind of hook to it the moment i finish the book 1.. ^_^
And now even the shocker new: I am attending dancing class!! ^_^ guess wat? its --->
'street jazz'
^_^ well, i don know why i chose it, but i did.. though abit regret after first lesson, but i shall make the best out of it as i alrdy pay for it and NO REFUND! ^_^ jia you!
Well, guess this updates are done.. have the sudden urge of blogging for fun.. and There u go!!
Been abit depress these few days here and there once in a while.. so thought blogging something would make me a happier man!! and indeed, it has make me feel sort of better now.. ^_^ confession to blog is a great way to relieve stress too.. ^_^
Hope tml is 9th of Oct! let the two years pass fast and i then shall start looking for.. =) Fate!

Welcome to the WORLD of happiness!
Nickname: Cowdray shane's blog ^_^
Motto: cheerful every moment!
Hope: Hold on to my principle tightly =)
smiley shane
Tan Yan Shan, age 21!
A full time NSF who is half way there=)
In a relationship with WanMay!
just a simple guy!
Nothing to write about as i am satisfied with my life now!
Life is short, enjoy every moment from now!

Jill Da Great!!
Ah Li
Sharon Lim!
Phoenix babe
TinG Fung
Tee Jun